| 1. | The msbuild build process is defined by atomic units of build , called tasks Msbuild生成过程由生成的原子单元(被称为任务)定义。 |
| 2. | The foreach loop container and a transacted container are also treated as atomic units of work Foreach循环容器和事务处理容器也被视为原子工作单元。 |
| 3. | Put another way , a row of a table is an atomic unit that is read and written as a single piece 换句话说,表的一行是作为读写单独一块数据的最小单位。 |
| 4. | The radioactive carbon atoms weigh 14 atomic units , whereas run - of - the - mill ones weigh 12 units 这种放射性的碳原子为14原子单位,而普通碳原子为12原子单位。 |
| 5. | The task host container , which encapsulates a single task , is the smallest atomic unit of work that can be restarted 封装单个任务的任务宿主容器是可以重新启动的最小原子工作单元。 |
| 6. | In application designer , an application definition is an individual and atomic unit of function that can be deployed 在应用程序设计器中,应用程序定义是可以部署的单个和基本的功能单位。 |
| 7. | A transaction is an atomic unit of work and executes exactly once ; either all the work is done or none of it is 事务是工作的原子单元,它的执行是一次性的,要么所有工作都完成,要么都没有完成。 |
| 8. | A transaction must be an atomic unit of work ; either all of its data modifications are performed , or none of them is performed 原子性事务必须是原子工作单元;对于其数据修改,要么全都执行,要么全都不执行。 |
| 9. | For example , if a battery of appointments is scheduled , then the atomic units of the battery are children to the battery request 例如,假如一个约诊套组被订好排程后,则该约诊套组中的一个单项约诊是这个套组约诊的附属约诊。 |
| 10. | If the battery is cheduled as a repeating appointment , then each instance of the battery of ppointments ( parent to each of the atomic units ) is a child to the original repeating request 如果这个套组约诊是一个不断重复的约诊套组,则每一个约诊套组循环(每个单项约诊的父约诊)是原始约诊套组之子。 |